Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed with it? This year has been so difficult for me, I cannot seem to gather of my thoughts, I feel as if what I have to share doesn't compare to what is out there. I just feel a little {blah}...
I then have to remember why I started blogging in the first place. Blogging for me has always been about sharing my passions. Photography, gathering farm finds, my life on a cattle ranch and farm, the beauty of cattle grazing in the prairie green pasture....blogging has given me the opportunity to really focus on what these mean to me. It gives me the opportunity to break each one apart, to study and sink my roots deeper into the soul of these passions. Then to share with you all what truth I saw in a photo, why the beauty of a certain piece whispered to me, why a cow can bring peace to my heart.
With that said, trying to create a space {worthy} of these passions can really take the joy out of a person...not kidding you, just ask me about the new blogger interface...gggrrr...
It can take so much of your precious time; time you would have spent {sinking your roots into the soul}. We all know how fleeting these moments can be and how intentional we have to be with our time. My dear friend Kim {a true kindred spirit} and Xanthe {whom I have yet to meet but just know for certain we are kindred spirits :0) }, to rescue! Check out the new e-course they are bringing to the e-course frenzy...
{a small glimpse of where they create beauty}
An A to the men people! Isn't that what it is all about! Blogging your passion, and creatively to boot. Here is Kim's and Xanthe's short version of what this new e-course covers and why it would help a girl out...
We will share the details of how and what we shoot, our processing secrets and finally how we share all this on our sites.
We are all unique. The key to great blogging lies in authenticity and sharing your true passion.
The student will leave this course with a clear vision of their blogging mission....concrete ideas to make it happen....and inspiration to spread their unique vision.
This is not a technical blog-building eCourse. We will not be showing you how to create a blog from scratch. However we will offer some great resources for this. Building a blog is really just the beginning..... It's what you pour into it that's key.
In this class, we will take you behind the scenes…sharing our daily creative process. We will share the ins and outs of what we shoot, how we shoot and finally how we share it on our blogs.
Wanna know how we put a post together? Want tips on staying focused and getting your post written quickly and efficiently? We are sharing it all.
How 'bout tutorials on all the extra little touches...such as image layouts, blog headers, buttons, mouseovers, animation, slide shows, and even short films....Want tips for telling a story with your photos? We got it covered.
Having trouble finding focus? finding your voice? It's hard! But we have lots of tips to share.
We're super excited to share all this and much more with you.
For more information on what is covered in the course and the long version of why this is going to be absolutely amazing on all levels,head on over to Reflection of You and check out Behind the Scenes information page...
I couldn't be more excited about this! Finding focus is exactly what I need right now, and since blogging is about sharing...guess what friends...Kim and Xanthe have been SO generous in offering a spot to a lucky Faded Prairie reader!! Whoot, Whoot!
So tell us what passion{s} do you want to give voice to? What direction would you *love* for your little piece of blogland to go in? Just leave a little note here to be entered, of course sharing the news about this giveaway will give you extra chances also {be sure to leave a link please}!
*Giveaway will end Friday night, 5:00p.m. MST*
*Open to all US and international friends*
Good luck to you all!