i awoke to a chilly morning but there was a touch of spring around me...
it could be totally wishful thinking but the stirring was there within me...
just a quick post today to announce the winner of my first photo challenge...
*thank you* to all who entered and played along; i SO enjoyed viewing the themes through your lenses...
the winner of florabella's luxe II action set is:
bucolic beauty's {far and away}
this photo simply spoke to me...
to the girl who once was, the girl who i'm learning to reconnect and listen to...
a gentle reminder that my little one who wears princesses dresses and orange sprinkler boots will all to soon be past the whimsical and nonsensical days...
*thank you* karrina for sharing your loved photo with us all...
please email me to let me know which version of actions you need..{.photoshop or elements} and i will get your prize to you!